Transportation Business Intelligence

  • Gain detailed, actionable spend data
  • See all of your freight costs in one place
  • Send accounting and cost data to other systems

Get Total Visibility of Your Transport Spend

CassPort® is the freight payment industry’s most powerful transportation business intelligence platform.

Cass clients rely on CassPort as their single source of accurate transportation expense data. What makes it such an invaluable tool?

First, we aggregate and normalize data from many sources – including bills of lading, shipment documents, carrier invoices, third-party sources, and more – which supports both audit quality and a valuable information database for reporting purposes.

Second, we capture shipment details at the most granular level. When Cass manages your freight invoices for all modes, all geographies, and all move types, you truly have one global view of your transportation costs - this level of transportation business intelligence is invaluable to organizations looking to better understand their expense data.

Get total visibility of your transport spend

Capture Detail with CassPort®

The data in CassPort lets you can get as detailed as you want. Your business intelligence would include:


Shipment details (origin, destination, mode, weight, product, stop-off location, etc.)


Payment details (audit adjustment amount, scheduled payment date, and more)


Accruals, down to the SKU or accessorial level


General ledger reporting

visibility through business intelligence

The Value of Visibility Through Business Intelligence

Once you have visibility to reliable transportation data, you can:

  • Prepare for contract negotiations
  • Reduce accessorial expenses
  • Reduce or eliminate rogue spending
  • Determine landed costs
  • Feed upstream supply chain and financial analysis
  • Improve control of inbound spend
  • Conduct network and traffic lane analysis
  • Understand each component of your transportation spend
  • Improve capacity planning

With this much power, Cass will play a critical role in managing your transportation spend.

Consume your Data with Dashboards & Transdata® File Feeds

Sometimes, visualization is the most powerful way to consume data. When you engage with the dashboards inside CassPort, your data will come to life. Display your most important metrics in dashboards, so you can see them any time, without effort. Compare time frames or drill deeper into a data category in seconds. With dashboards, you can quickly see and understand whatever’s important to you.

Cass also supports your systems integration requirements. Your freight spend data can be easily delivered to your ERP, TMS, accounting system, or other proprietary systems via our Transdata® services. Additionally, Cass can implement system integrations with your MRP, CRM, procurement, order management, and business intelligence systems as well as carrier or 3PL systems.

powerful dashboards and integration

Improve control over your freight spend

Let us demonstrate how we can turn your freight payment process into an asset. Gain workflow automation, visibility, and savings.

Get in Touch to Learn More